Saturday, December 7, 2013

The Magic of Cod Liver Oil!

I am working on a master's degree in Traditional Nutrition. One of my written assignments was to write an imaginary dialogue with someone who has heard that they shouldn't take cod liver oil because it could be toxic or could have too much vitamin A. I promised to post the paper on my blog so here it is. By the way - I got an A on the paper!

Assignment 1: Participate in a discussion – or imagine having a discussion – with someone who is using flax oil or fish oil instead of cod liver oil because of concerns about the toxicity or Vitamin A or D content of cod liver oil. Write a sample dialogue as to how you would diplomatically address their concerns. This paper can be of any length you choose, but be sure to cover the key issues raised in your readings. This dialogue should be “conversational,” and not highly technical. Should you choose to argue in favor of fish or flax oil instead of cod liver oil, be sure to include sufficient information about cod liver oil to prove you thoroughly understand the WAPF point of view.

I have a passion for studying natural health and in particular, food as a means for obtaining a sense of well-being. Therefore, I can imagine someone who is familiar with me asking me what supplements I take. This is how I would imagine the conversation to go.

Friend: What supplements are you taking?

Me:  I am taking cod liver oil, high vitamin butter oil and desiccated liver.

Friend: Why are you taking cod liver oil? My doctor told me not to take cod liver oil because it was too high in vitamin A and was really bad for me. He recommended taking fish oil capsules.

Me: Your doctor is probably right, at least about certain brands of cod liver oil. Many brands of cod liver oil, as well as fish oils are highly processed in a way that destroys many, if not all of the nutrients, leaving behind only omega-3 oils. And even the omega-3 oils may be damaged! Cod liver oil naturally contains lots of vitamin A and D that aren’t in other fish oils. When the cod liver oil is industrially processed, much of the vitamin D is destroyed but not the vitamin A. Since vitamin A and D need each other to work properly in the body, if you get a lot of vitamin A and not enough vitamin D, taking a processed cod liver oil can be toxic. If the cod liver oil is cold processed, or if vitamin D is added back in the right ratio, then cod liver oil won’t be toxic and can be really beneficial.
I have found that foods and supplements that benefit me the most are the least processed and still contain the nutrient ratios that nature provided. Cod liver oil is one of those products.

Friend: Why would you take cod liver oil rather than fish oil since fish oil is what doctor’s recommend and you don’t have to worry about it being toxic?

Me: For one thing, fish oil is highly processed before being marketed. The omega-3 oils can be damaged when subjected to the high heat and chemical processing they are subjected to. It makes me a little nervous to take something that may be damaged.
Instead, I would rather take supplements that are primarily whole and minimally processed and I want to take as few supplements as I can and I don’t want to spend a fortune on supplements or take handfuls of pills each day. Cod liver oil lets me do that – it could be considered a super food. Assuming that it is properly processed, I get the omega 3 benefits like the fish oil but much, much more. Fish oil doesn’t contain vitamins A and D or things like CoQ10, or vitamin E or K2 but the kind of cod liver oil I take, does. And since it came from nature, the proportions of nutrients are right for my body! I don’t think we have all the answers on what a healthy diet is or how many nutrients we are supposed to get each day or how everything works together, but studies consistently show that cod liver oil protects the heart and is good for the brain, hormone production and joints and curing diseases and giving energy and preventing infections, and the list goes on! I would rather take a dose of my cod liver oil and get all those benefits than take a dose of fish oil and only get the benefits of the omega 3 fatty acids – and wonder how much benefit I am getting from something so highly processed and potentially damaged.

Friend: My doctor says I get enough vitamin A in my diet. Don’t you think you are getting too much vitamin A between your diet and the cod liver oil?

Me: Well, vitamin A is primarily found in whole fat dairy, like butter, cream, cheese and whole milk, and eggs and liver. There is a little in fish and shellfish and some vegetables like sweet potatoes have appreciable amounts of vitamin A. However, our modern methods of raising cattle and chickens, has decreased the amount of vitamins and minerals in our dairy and eggs. Besides, we are constantly being advised to eat low-fat dairy which doesn’t contain vitamin A. And we are supposed to limit our eggs, or eat egg whites which don’t contain any vitamin A.  And who eats liver?! So I think it is hard to get enough vitamin A from diet alone! Cod liver oil helps to fill in the gaps. Since cod liver oil is a well-balanced product that my body can easily use, and it has the vitamin D I need and the vitamin D enhances the vitamin A, I feel great about taking it every day. Besides, people that used to eat a traditional diet got a lot more vitamin A in their diet than I do in mine and they were quite healthy!

Friend: I take a multivitamin along with my fish oil and it has CoQ10 and all those vitamins as well. It even has some vitamin D but I also take vitamin D drops to make sure I get enough. I get everything from Walgreens and I don’t have to spend a fortune.

Me: How is that working out for you? Do you notice any difference?

Friend: I don’t really notice any difference other than my joints are less stiff.

Me: Are there other things you would like to fix or that bother you?

Friend: Yes! My doctor says I have high cholesterol, and I am on medication for depression. It also seems like I keep getting all the colds that are passed around the office and I am starting into menopause!

Me: I have found research consistently shows that taking vitamins and minerals in the amounts found in nature benefit the body much more than taking a pill that has “100%” of everything on the label. I mean – how much is the right amount of vitamins anyway? We are all different and need different amounts of nutrients. Therefore, how can a pill contain “100%” of everything we need? Research also shows that vitamins and minerals need the proper synergy of working together to be effective. Foods created by nature seem to know what those synergistic ratios are. I know Vitamins A and D are dependent on each other to work properly and it is important to keep the ratio of the vitamins at a level that the body can use. Vitamin A can be quite toxic if vitamin D levels are low and vice-versa. In addition, synthetic vitamins – which is what is in most multi-vitamin products or many of the vitamins that are added to our foods – can be toxic as well. In fact, some of the studies that indicate vitamin A is dangerous or toxic used synthetic vitamin A in the study. Studies using properly processed cod liver oil show that it is possible to get the right amounts of vitamin A and D and to maintain healthy vitamin D levels in the blood.
I also have read that it is possible to overdose on certain vitamins or create imbalances in the body when you take a pill. Same with fish oil. Taking too much omega-3 oils – like fish oil, can create an imbalance in the body and affect the immune system. Since we don’t know how much is too much for each person, how can we tell if we are getting the proper amount?
For me, it is much simpler to take some cod liver oil each day and know I am getting the right amounts of vitamins A and D and omega-3 oils and other stuff in a balanced product. I don’t have to worry about whether I am getting the right amounts or even too much. Of course I don’t overdo the amount either – I just take what the bottle recommends so I won’t run the risk of overdoing it. Besides, cod liver oil was used for centuries without problems and was known to cure or prevent lots of conditions – of course, they didn’t have the industrial processing techniques we have today so the nutrients stayed in the proper proportions and they didn’t have to worry about toxicity! If you are interested, Google on cod liver oil and you may be surprised by what you find! It is supposed to help with depression, weight loss, arthritis, heart disease, diabetic problems, and the list goes on. Or you can go to for additional information.

Friend: What brand are you taking?

Me: I take a brand I order over the Internet from the Green Pastures company. It is cold processed and fermented, preventing damage from industrial processing and preserving the nutrient content in the cod liver oil. If you decide to take cod liver oil and you don’t get the Green Pastures kind, read the label carefully. Make sure it has about a 10:1 ratio between vitamin A and D. You can always go to the Weston Price website and see the list of cod liver oils that they recommend.

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