Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Vaccinations - A repost of a letter sent to the California Legislature prior to passing the bill requiring school children to be immunized.

This came from a Weston A. Price post on Facebook. In all my studies, I have found the biggest thing lacking in making informed decisions is a lack of critical thinking skills and an unwillingness to have an open mind. The vaccination question is a tough question with many sides. The simple explanation provided by modern medicine is over-simplified and does not include a complete picture. The other extreme may not be correct either. Both sides should get together and hash this out as I believe there is a lot of evidence that indicates we may be doing more harm than good with vaccinations. My fervent prayer is that more people, especially parents, review both sides of the argument prior to allowing their children to receive vaccinations. Once armed with the information from both sides, then and only then should they be allowed to make a decision and receive respect for their decision no matter which way they choose. 

Here is the link.